
home, James

I set up the beginnings of a mood board (yes, using Pinterest) for my upcoming camper/van/motorhome renovation. Right now I’m veering drastically toward a Toyota Coaster (something like this…) but there are some awesome inspirational images there too.


I’ve been pondering the make/model/interior design/purpose of this vehicle for a long time (not to mention having owned a couple of campervans previously and spending years daydreaming of the perfect setup!).

Alice the Bus – brilliant site explaining how these guys built their bus – just LOVE this!

So, roughly, I’m going for:

  • eco (led lamp clusters, solar internal power, running from diesel/veg oil)
  • compact (max storage/minimalism combo)
  • efficient (old enough to be self-sustainable, young enough to be light & fast)
  • cute (ideally both internally and externally).

The purpose is manyfold. This vehicle will be my transport, a touring gallery, a workshop space, screening room, kitchen/diner, reading room, bike shed, bed. It will be the ultimate living/working space for the digital nomad.

I will soon be setting up a Pozible crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to buy and renovate a bus (after all, crowdfunding is overtaking national arts funding in some countries!). And, once complete, it will be named* “home, James” in honour of James Mellor x

*For those who don’t understand: apparently all British chauffeurs are called “James”. In the UK when someone gave you a lift & asked where you wanted to go, you would say in a hoity-toity voice “Home, James“. This just makes sense to me as an homage to the lovely boy we just lost, that he too owned and loved his van, and since this is going to be my home for the forseeable future.

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