
#12daysofbusmas: 3 days to go

For #12daysofbusmas, 3 days to go, you can sponsor your very own Nomad in Residence. Here’s a taste of some of the lovely people who are raring to go… if we reach our target: http://pozible.com/reallybigroadtrip

Ben Werdmuller, US

“Why would I love to be a Nomad in Residence? We live in this amazing digital world where anyone can communicate with anyone else instantly, no matter where they are. But anyone who’s ever tried to run a meeting over a videoconference line, or organize a team by email, knows that it’s never the same as face to face contact. You miss the nuances; the things that aren’t explicitly conveyed, but carry so much meaning. There’s still much to be gained through being there. I want to learn from Australia, and hopefully create some interesting projects together.

Ben was Geek in Residence in Edinburgh, right around the time our own Geek in Residence was going at the Australia Council. Very different models/focuses but still a fabulous synergy!

Alex Kelly, AU

Alex Kelly

Alex Kelly

“Art on wheels with Fee Plumley? What’s not to love! One of the best places for conversations is the open road and collaboration and growth requires conversation: I’m so in on RBRT!”

Alex is a filmmaker, producer and roller derby queen. She has spent the last eight years based in Alice Springs and knows I have a yearning to learn more about Desert Culture.

Tom Scott, UK

More of ‘an eclipse tourist’ than Nomad in Residence since he’s already coming over to Cairns for the total solar eclipse in November. I contacted Tom out of the blue after seeing this video and then finding out he’s a Hackerspace/Maker type lad (he was one of Sky 1 HD’s Gadget Geeks). He’s agreed to come hang out on the bus while he’s in the country :)

Other people I’ve been in discussions with include: Sara Diamond (President Ontario College Art & Design & coming for Kumuwuki), Paolo Cirio (IT media arts activist currently on Eyebeam residency in NY), Deborah Lawler Dormer (NZ curator & digital strategist), Matt Locke (UK Digital Innovator), Tom Dickins (AU, The Jane Austen Argument& solo performer), Charlie Gere (UK, academic), Alessandro Ludovico (IT, researcher, publisher of Neural.it), Paul Callaghan (UK/AU, writer, outgoing Director of Freeplay Independent Games Festival), Steven Mitchell Wright (AU, Artistic Director of the Danger Ensemble), Vicki Sowry (AU, Program Manager ANAT), David Gaffney (UK, writer), Kristin Alford (AU, futurist, MD Bridge8), Jimmy Dalton (AU, Dramaturg), Mat Jons (UK, filmmaker), Ellie Harrison (UK, artist, activist), Benjamin Forster (AU, artist), plus others I’ve chatted with less formally (ie not in writing!).

Wanna be a Nomad? Read this so you see what I’m thinking, then talk to me about it! But mainly get pledging – or else there’s no reallybigroadtrip to join in! http://pozible.com/reallybigroadtrip.

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