
and so it begins…

MuseumFutures Distributed.jpgAcrosstheSlope.jpgBecomingIstanbul_sign.jpgBecomingIstanbul_boxes.jpgBecomingIstanbul_screen.jpgBecomingIstanbul_corridor.jpg

isea2011_istanbul, a set on Flickr.

In case you haven’t been following me on Twitter (and if not… why not?! @bigtripco UPDATE: now @feesable!) I have been at the ISEA Festival in Istanbul this week. I’m mainly catching up with old friends, making new ones and attending conference events.

But I have also been learning new tools (my DSLR has turned from scary to SWEET!) and doing what I promised: documenting creative digital culture.

Here’s a few snaps as a taster for what’s to come.

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