
#12daysofbusmas: 10 days to go

This is harder than I’d thought… what can I offer that’s both actually feasible (or, giggle, feesable) within my skillset AND has value for you? It’s tempting just to offer 3Dprinted stuff (and there will be more of that) but I don’t want ALL the offerings to be too similar.

Hmmm. How’s this.

Today’s #12daysofbusmas reward (10 days to go) is that for $55.00 I will write TEN unique blog posts (one per $55 reward) about you, your work, your community, or something else you deem worthy. I’ll make it a ‘sticky’ post so it stays at the top of my blog’s front page for ten days (like the ‘countdown‘ post in the screengrab below). I will share these posts TEN times across my social spaces (this mainly means twitter & facebook but if your work is especially visual I’ll make sure to push across pinterest, instagram, flickr, etc). I will also do this at the time of your choosing sometime within the next year, so if you have an event or a launch or a something time-specific I’ll be helping you get extra attention around it.

reallybigroadtrip.com blog

reallybigroadtrip.com blog

This might bite me in the bum since you could choose to be mean and send me some really complicated thing to blog about – like DNA, or a solution to world peace. Obviously I’d prefer your thing was media arts or digital creativity related, but I’m open to anything… kinda. I won’t necessarily endorse you, but I will write about you/your thing – within reason. For example, I’m not going to share things that are abusive, defamatory, or generally unpleasant; there’s too much nasty in the world and I refuse to add to that. I’m hoping my community is made of kittens and ice cream, though, so I doubt that would happen. Although, if it did, it’d be kinda fun to try to spin evil into good anyway, so who knows.

If it helps here are some ‘credentials’: I have over 4000 twitter ‘followers’, around 250 facebook page ‘likes’, near-as-dammit 1000 facebook ‘friends’, and get around 50-100 visits on a typical day (going up to about 400 on especially hot days). I might not be as famous online as many others, but I have an awesome community of friends and colleagues who share my passion for digital arts and so help with shoutouts too.

So… QUICK! Go Pledge! http://pozible.com/reallybigroadtrip

UPDATE: I also realised I hadn’t made a $10 reward. As today is all about #10 I’ve added one… find out what it is

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