
#12daysofbusmas: 2 days to go

It might be crazy to offer this so close to the end of a campaign where the outcome is still uncertain. But I think having raised $14,655 for something run by one person, who isn’t a celebrity, about a niche area of interest that isn’t pre-selling products, merchandise or event tickets shows what I’m capable of. It’s so much harder to sell yourself and your own vision than it is to sell someone else’s.

So. For today’s #12daysofbusmas (2 days – no, 44 HOURS to go) I will handhold you through your own creative digital crowdfunding campaign.

Pozible have already already said that I can be an Ambassador for their platform which will allow me to provide a special code to discount their fees. But I won’t just give you that and advice on what works/doesn’t. I will help you set up your campaign, the rewards, the integration between your social media platforms and the messages you send. I will help you build a schedule of promotional messages, blog post ideas… everything. I wil help you promote your call-outs through my networks. I can’t guarantee your success, but I can give you everything I’ve got – much like I’ve done for my own campaign (only better, because I won’t have the same fear/doubt/self-berating etc as I have had with mine!).

I said in the original post that each #12daysofbusmas pledge amount would increase in value – and this is definitely valuable, but I will reduce the cost. The last item (sponsor a Nomad in Residence) was $5,000 – to be honest mainly because I really need a couple of people to throw down $5k, and the Nomads are WELL worth that! The time and effort required to create and build momentum in a campaign like this is also worth a LOT. But I know exactly how it feels to go through this process and I know that you won’t be running a crowdfunding campaign unless you really REALLY need the money. So I will provide this reward for $1500.

Also, ffs, today I’m trending on Pozible, and Amanda Palmer and Hugh Jackman tweeted my campaign – and Hugh’s tweet Broke My Server! This reward is a fricken BARGAIN!

PLEDGE! Pledge HARD and pledge GOOD… for the LOVE OF GEEKhttp://pozible.com/reallybigroadtrip.

amanda palmer tweet

amanda palmer tweet

hugh jackman tweet

hugh jackman tweet

http://pozible.com/reallybigroadtrip trending

http://pozible.com/reallybigroadtrip trending

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