
#12daysofbusmas: 5 days to go

I know a lot of filmmakers & photographers. In fact this weekend I’m staying with some of them, so #12daysofbusmas is one for my fellow niche creatives!

Lighting equipment on the set of The Sorcerer's Apprentice, being filmed in its setting of New York City.

Lighting equipment on the set of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, being filmed in its setting of New York City.

Locations for film and photography shoots are hard to find. You generally want somewhere that’s accessible, available, has patient owners, and an element of the unique about it. Well you won’t get much more unique than a bus designed by Geoff Cobham parked up in a fabulous Australian location of your choice!

For #12daysofbusmas (5 days to go) you and your film or photography production team can use the #rbrtOZ bus as a location for your film/photography shoot at any time of your choosing in the next 12 months.

So get pledging! http://pozible.com/reallybigroadtrip.

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