
#12daysofbusmas: 6 days to go

You’ve probably guessed by now that I’m a bit in love with buses. So much so that today’s #12daysofbusmas reward (6 days to go) is that I’m going to knit a set of miniature ones.

Want one? ;)

knitted kombivan by Leah Sutton (not same as ours, but gorgeous nonetheless!)

knitted kombivan by Leah Sutton (not same as ours, but gorgeous nonetheless!)

The very excellent Sayraphim Lothian knits all kind of wonderful things without even needing a pattern. She’s a natural. When I tweeted that I had started knitting she gushed with abandon, clearly loving to be able to share her enthusiasm for the craft. It’s been really lovely to have someone so passionate to chat with about my new hobby.

Sayraphim has offered to teach me how to knit my own little logo (designed by the fab James Hutson) into a kinda of soft toy; something vaguely like the above (stunning) photograph that I found on Ravelry. She will be making it up as she goes along, then posting her instructions publicly on my reallybigroadtrip facebook page so everyone can play along!

Your #12daysofbusmas reward (6 days to go) is to own a limited edition hand-knitted #rbrtOZ bus. How cute is that?!

And here, as a taster, is a small person’s hat that I made in the last week (just so you can see I’m really gonna do this!):

small persons knitted hat

small persons knitted hat

So get pledging! http://pozible.com/reallybigroadtrip.

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