Sept/Oct Update

Hello dear folks,

I’ve been rather neglectful of the blog lately… sorry about that. Things in the physical plane have been somewhat explosive since the campaign ended. I’m certainly not complaining, but there has been an awful lot of scheming (which I can’t tell you about yet) and doing (which I’ve outlined below), and accordingly not a lot of time for reflection and writing.

I sent out a newsletter a couple of days ago that summarises some of what I’ve been up to and some of what is to come in the next few weeks. But I’m going to post a version of all that here (with extra pics!) to keep you updated.

Bear with me a couple more weeks then I’ll have a bit more brain space to blog properly again. Oh and of course in the meantime (assuming you miss my ramblings) I’m generally tweeting or facebooking so come say hi there, and there’s an a agenda page here with dates/locations etc. I’ve also become a bit obsessed with Instagram lately, so if you use that come find me under username ‘feesable’.

What’s been happening…

I started writing some summary posts to explain the campaign process (there’s more to come with these), thanking the supporters and posting out the first rewards, then had to go earn some living-money for a while.

I met the Queen (!) at a Beaudesert Artist Dinner, ran workshops for ArtsLink QLD, did a talk for Queensland Theatre Company, presented (a few times) and chaired for the ABC Radio Futures conference and went back on Download this Show.

In a non-earning capacity I also hung out with Genevieve Bell & Ethan Zuckerman when they came to Adelaide, had a reccie of the The Cube at QUT, Jurassic Lounge at The Australia Museum in Sydney, went to Cockatoo Island for the last bit of the Biennial, and helped on the Adelaide Hackerspace stand for the Royal Adelaide Show.

You’ll probably know from previous posts that I have now become the nomadic FabLab and things have been busily developing there leading up to the November launch. You can now follow updates via their blog, facebook and twitter accounts.

Oh and I have been knitting the next rewards – photos coming once I have a nice selection for you to choose from. Remember you can knit with us too, if you like.

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What’s coming up…

Sept 19-23rd Freeplay Independent Games Festival in Melbourne VIC, where I have curated an arts/games exhibition, will be speaking on a crowdfunding panelchairing a panel on measuring success and running a workshop on social media storytelling.

Sept 27-30th This is Not Art Festival in Newcastle NSW, where I’ll be part of the Digital Forum and the Newcastle Hack.

Oct 10th The Hive Labs launch in Melbourne VIC, where I’ll basically just be schmoozing and wishing I was one of the participants!

Oct 11th Crowdfund Your Startup Thousands in Melbourne VIC, where I’ll be talking about my crowdfunding journey.

Oct 18-21st Regional Arts Australia conference Kumuwuki in Goolwa SA, where I’m officially launching reallybigroadtrip, doing my first ever Keynote & talking about crowdfunding.

Oct 29-Nov 2nd Launching the FabLab in Adelaide SA – sign up to join the Masterclass with Dr Zoz Brooks.


For those who have been asking, yes, bus shopping is indeed happening… whenever I’m in Adelaide long enough to actually pursue a lead!

So, until next time I guess see you at one of these places, or in the ether x

p.s. look for BLUE hair now, I figured a change of colour scheme was required as we shift to the next stage in the project ;P

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