
Haecksen Mini Conf at Linux 2013

Really excited to announce that not only am I attending my first Linux Conf in Canberra at the end of the month, but I’m also going to be speaking there! Haecksen are the women-in-FLOSS community and regularly run networking events to help women in open technology gather.

My talk is on Open Source Cities and is at 1.45pm on Tuesday  29th January. It’s about an idea I’m developing around notions of place and the city as they relate to technology & creative culture. The blurb goes like this:

My Open Source Cities exploration is around how the concept of “the city” has changed since the massive (but not yet ubiquitous) uptake of the internet. More specifically, I want to examine if and how Australia’s new National Broadband Network will change how Australians live, work, and perceive themselves and each other. The open source community have (with permission) taken hardware or software designed by others and (with permission) tweaked or reused those innovations for their own purposes. I believe that Nomadic and decentralised communities can function as (or possibly, more) effectively than many urban constructs if only the innovations developed locally were shared across larger distances. I aim to explore, and hopefully prove, this on my travels. This talk will present some of the key areas where I’m seeking feedback and discussion at the start of these explorations. Please come expecting crowdsourcing triggers and open discussion as opposed to receiving quantitative solutions!

Come along if you’re in Canberra, or message me if this is something you’re interested in chatting through or watching develop.

I’m able to attend the conference thanks to Kylie Willison & the FOSS Connect program who are supplying money to go toward fuel for the bus :)

Follow #LCA2013 proceedings – on Facebookon Twitter,  on Identica or via the #linux.conf.au channel on irc.freenode.net.

UPDATE: I should be specific and say I’m speaking at the Haecksen Mini-conf, not Linux Conf… there’s a difference :)

UPDATE2: You can watch a recording of my (somewhat scatty) first presentation of my nomadic creative culture research here. You may note it became much less about my original proposal, but hey… that’s research for ya!

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