150,000 people walked around Lake Burley Griffin to celebrate Canberra’s 100th birthday on March 11th. Admittedly they weren’t all there for reallybigroadtrip, but we had quite a busy day nonetheless :)
Huge thanks to our first ever Nomad in Residence, Sayraphim Lothian, to Geoff Cobham for commissioning us, and everyone who helped make it all come together & supported us on the day. Specific ‘beyond the call of duty’ love shouts to Anna-Maria Sviatko (who also took these photos), Pia Waugh, Christopher Fulham, Hannah Mattner, Liz, Andrea, Ollie, Adam, Somaya & Thom – and everyone who rocked up and played on the day.
This was our first outing as a team, homeJames and I; it was “one very big day” indeed.
Here are some photos from the day taken by Sayraphim & I…
technoevangelist’s photostream on Flickr.