
Nomadic Fab Lab Part 1

I wrote some time ago about our plans to bring reallybigroadtrip and Fab Lab Adelaide together in one big joyous Nomadic Fab Lab… *drumroll*… well, we’re about to set off!

Nomadic Fab Lab poster

look out for the Nomadic Fab Lab poster in TAFEs and Libraries

The trip is happening in two sections, one going North between Gawler and the Riverlands and the other going South East between Mount Gambier & Tailem Bend. We are combining a Fab Lab show & tell with a ForwardIT info session at Libraries/TAFEs around the region with an added bonus talk with Craft South at Burra Town Hall. All Nomadic Fab Lab events are free.

3D printers at Adelaide Mini Maker Faire; photo by Jess Gunn

3D printers at Adelaide Mini Maker Faire; photo by Jess Gunn


The dates/times for the first round of FREE “Fab Lab Show & Tell” sessions are as follows:

10am Thurs 18th April – Gawler Library.
10am Fri 19th April – Clare TAFE in association with Regional Development Australia.
2pm Fri 19th April – Clare Library.
4pm Tues 23rd April – Regional Development Australia industry event at Berri TAFE.
10.30am Weds 24th April – Berri Library.
3.30pm Weds 24th – Berri Library.
10am Friday 26th April – Murray Bridge Library.

Craft South’s INFORM event “Getting connected: online marketing for artists” is on at Burra Town Hall from 11am to 3pm on Sunday 21st April and costs $50. Booking in advance is recommended.

The second leg is in May, heading to Mount Gambier, Kingston, Robe and Tailem Bend. We’ll update you about dates/times on those soon.

Seeya there!

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  1. Pingback: Nomadic Fab Lab Now On the Road | Fab Lab Adelaide

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