
rcws – homeless people can’t starve in this city


i saw a guy this morning using the tap outside the sold building next to which i’ve been sneakily parked for the last week. i’d never noticed him there before but i got the impression he’d been there for at least as long as me. having seen him use the tap i went to fill my water butts, which were running empty. i wanted to say thanks but he’d gone.

he just came through here again now so i smiled and he came over to ask me something. we had a lil chat and he told me that he’s been living there, outside, for a couple of years, and that they’d left the lx on there for him after they’d sold it (so he told me i could plug in there if i needed extra power, which i did coz i was parked under a tree and not getting enough solar).

am now left with the massively strange sensation of camaraderie (we’re both chancing our luck staying where we can find) and yet mine is of such privilege – and yet despite that, HE had gone out of his way to help ME. and he wouldn’t accept any food i offered either, he said “homeless people can’t starve in this city”.

puts Every Single One of my occasional moans to shame, for good bloody reason. somewhat smacked in the face with happysad right now. life is mental, all of it.

[originally posted via Known, December 20th 2014]

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