These are the names of all the wonderful folk who supported my Pozible crowdfunding campaign. More rewards are being processed but this was the first step… and wow, what a list of names! This is only the beginning of the journey we will spend together – THANK YOU xx
In alphabetical order by surname:
Antoinette Abboud; Kristin Alford; Vaughan Allan; Kevin Allen; Rachel Anderson; Dan Andrews; Pozible Angels; Heidi Angove; Louise Angrilli; Gary Anthony Peploe; Feral Arts; Gavin Artz; Tim Aslat; VJ Asterix Star; Anita Bacic; Jackie Bailey; Catherine Baldwin; Michael Baranovic; Leah Barclay; Tully Barnett; Becc Bates; Emma Beech; Kim Bennett; Chrissie Bernasconi; Steve Berrick; Shane Bevin; Stephen Bice; Kumuwuki Big Wave Regional Arts Australia National Conference; Angela Bishop; Elissa Blake; Elliott Bledsoe; Anne bluebythesea; David Blumenstein; Nathanael Boehm; Zoe Bogner; Rafael Bonachela; Kirsten Bradley; Heath Britton; Stephanie Britton; James Brown; Steve Bull; Andrew Burrell; Megan Byrne; Paul Callaghan; Rubina Carlson; Merryn Carter; Rosie Catalano; Rémy Charest; Shane Cheek; Rick Chen; Dave Cheng; Caroline Choong; Paolo Cirio; Jessica Coates; Geoff Cobham; Format Collective Inc; Stephen Collins; Jill Colvin; Pam Cooper; Gail Cork; Michelle Cotterill; Mike Cowap; Unashamedly Creative; Peter Crettenden; Heather Croall; Christine Cromarty; Nick Crowther; Ktc Crumbles; Deborah Dale; Suzanne Daley; Jimmy Dalton; John Dalton; Steve Dalton; Tom Dawkins; Selena de Carvalho; Fiona de Garis; Christine de Leon; Michelle Delaney; Linda Dement; Lisa Dempster; Christy Dena; Tisham Dhar; Simon Divecha; Daniel Donahoo; Andy Donovan; Cindi Drennan; Tsubi Du; Andrew Dun; Jane Durbridge; Amanda Duthie; Petra Dzurovcinova; Kate Eltham; Karen Garrett de Luna; Sunday Emerson Gullifer; Carmel England; Kate Englefield; David Evans; KF FG; Meghan FitzGerald; Madeleine Flynn; Ben Foley; Regan Forrest; Benjamin Forster; Kate Foy; Julie Freeman; Leah Freihaut; Charlotte Frost; Gilbert Gaddi; Paul Gallasch; Mandy-Jane Giannopoulos; Al Gibb; Brad Giblin; Claire Glenn; Daniel Golding; Kim Goodwin; Dan Graf; Jennifer Greer Holmes; Chris Gribble; Jane Gronow; Catherine Gundersen; Ian Gunn; Az Hakeem; Dave Hall; Jess Hall; Nicole Hall; Sophie Hamley; Tully Hansen; Peter Harding; Sam Haren; Claire Harper; Claire Harris; Nathan Harrison; Robert Hart; Ric Hayman; Catherine Heidi McAlpine; Sidonie Henbest; Scott Henderson; Nick Herd; Megan Heyward; Jane Howard; Alexandra Hurford; James Hutson; Sophie Hyde; Paul Isbel; Will J Grant; Marni Jackson; John Jacobs; Kay Jamieson; Sarah Jansen; Ashlee Jenkins; Vishal Jodhani; Mat Johns; Andrew Kay; Jo Kay; Alex Kelly; Anthony Kelly; Noel Kelly; Susan Kennard; Alison Kershaw; Jonathan Kershaw; Suzanne Kersten; Briony Kidd; Kyra Kimpton; Tara Kita; Ben Kolmann; Randi Kopp; Tunni Kraus; Derek Kreckler; Catherine L.Lavoie; Carolyn Lake; Giles Lane; Marc Lane; Somaya Langley; Klare Lanson; Georgia Laughton; Peter Lawler; Deborah Lawler-Dormer; Hannah Leach; Darlene Lee; Earl Leonard; Karina Libbey; Jade Lillie; Simon Loffler; Jenny Lomax; Sayraphim Lothian; Becci Love; Eliza Lovell; Magdeline Lum; Kenneth Lyons; Dana MacArthur; Lindsay MacDonald; Kylie Macey; Jane MacFarlane; Vivyan Madigan; Hanna Magdalena Kron; Anna Maguire; Emily Maguire; Nick Marchand; Michael Marner; Jane Marr; Maeve Marsden; Karen Marsh; Kat Mat; Tanya Matheson; Vicki Matthews; Amanda Matulick; Steve Mayhew; Bonnie McCrossan; Andrew McDonnell; Ben McKenzie; Emily McMahon; Jayne McRostie; Will McRostie; Charlie Mellor; Jannette Mensch; Ky Menzies; Stephan Meyers; Tamsyn Michael; Simon Michelmore; Jodie Miners; Syl Mobile; Awol Monk; Sarah Moran; Simeon Moran; Katherine Moriwaki; Peter Morse; Brooke Newall; Jill Newman; Lizzi Nicoll; Simone O’Brien; Patrick O’Duffy; Kath ODonnell; Kathryn Osborne; Holly Owen; Lucy Parakhina; Alex Parker; Olivia Parker; Peta Pash; Gillian Peacock; Fiona Percival; Helen Perris; Matthew Pettifer; Nick Phillips; Steven Pickles; Julia Pitcher; Clare Plumley; Paul Plumley; Martin Potter; Tim Price; Snuff Puppets; Katherine Quigley; Mathieu Ravier; Alexandra Reid; Pete Reynolds; Western Riverina Arts; Margaret Robertson; Sam Rodgers; Zacha Rosen; Giselle Rosman; Ju Row Farr; Claire Rowland; Joey Ruigrok van der Werven; Leigh Russell; Malcolm Ryan; Eva Schindling; Epona Schweer; Cynthia Sciberras; Ashley Scott; Katherine Shaw; Tim Sherratt; Leanne Shingles; Shu Shu Zheng; Michele Simmons; Ryan Sims; Anna Slowiaczek; Cobi Smith; Nicole Smith; Jen Southern; Vicki Sowry; Anna Spargo-Ryan; Mark Stapleton; Kirsty Stark; Katy Stevens; Tassos Stevens; Barbara Storey; Dave Sudmalis; Joyce Sutcliffe; Anna-Maria Sviatko; Jason Sweeney; Sue Swinburne; Ruth Tatnell; Kitty Taylor; Erika Taylor; Kate Taylor (AU); Kate Taylor (UK); Luci Temple; Daryl Tester; Lachlan Tetlow-Stuart; Lee Theodoros Qureshi; Lubi Thomas; Lara Thoms; Cx Tiara Transience; Vanessa Toholka; Luke Toop; Lara Torr; Ana Tovey; Benjamin Trumbull; Meredith Tucker-Evans; Deborah Turnbull; Eliza Tyrrell; Simon Van Der Spoel; Leena van Deventer; Simone van Hattem; Edwin van Ouwerkerk Moria; Andrew Viney; Llewela Vivian-Taylor; Louise Vlach; Julie Vulcan; Ianto Ware; Sarah Waterson; Steve Watt; Emma Webb; Ben Werdmuller; Marcus Westbury; Jonathan Wheare; Wendy White; Sally Whitwell; Michelle Wigg; David Williams; Kathleen Williams; Marney Williams; Peter Williams; Tandi Williams; Noriko Wynn; Fiona Yardley; Anthony Zwierzchaczewski.
Want your name to link somewhere? Just send me the preferred destination & I’ll add you.
If you wanted to support the project but couldn’t get in before the deadline, just drop me a line and we can discuss what reward, if any, you would like in return. #lovelasts
UPDATE: Pozible launched a shopfront option for successful campaigns, so you can come rummage through my wares all over again – just in time for Christmas, too! #MerryBusmas
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