OpenSourceHome storify archive
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[View the story “OpenSourceHome” on Storify]
OpenSourceHome is an arts event exploring the practical, creative and philosophical challenges of living in a bus, by geek nomadic artist Fee Plumley. Part Symposium, part installation and part live artwork featuring special guests Dario Vacirca, Emma Beech, Lubi Thomas, … Read more →
Having been involved with (and some would say, partially responsible for) encouraging Australian artists and organisations to maximise their online and social media presence and engagement, I feel that it is important for me to now voice some of the … Read more →
Yesterday Instagram changed their “Terms of Use” and it caused a furore! Yes Instagram are owned now by Facebook but the ‘who has what rights over my shit’ issue goes far beyond just their combined platforms. Firstly, a perfectly timed word from … Read more →
Just read the most heartwarming presentation slides by Golan Levin. I’ve been saying all this for years, but not just about ad agencies. This was a DELIGHT to read from someone so high profile at such an event (thanks @HonorHarger for … Read more →